Prof. Dr. med. Stephanie Korn
Physisican, management economist
Medical studies
Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, graduated in 2006
Clinical experience
2006-2020 | University Hospital Mainz in Mainz/Germany, Pulmonary Dept. (Head: Prof. Roland Buhl), III. Medical Department |
since 2020 | Clinical Research Centre Respiratory Medicine in Mainz, Germany |
2009 | Management economist |
2013 | Habilitation |
Clinical trials
since 2003 | Study coordinator in several clinical trials (phase II-IV) |
since 2006 | Investigator (principle and coordinating investigator) in several (>50) clinical trials (phase I-IV): asthma, COPD, IPF, bronchiectasis |
Doctoral thesis
„Nasal and bronchial allergen provocation testing in patients with mild asthma and allergic rhinitis – similarities und differences“ („magna cum laude“)
„Cellular and clinical phenotyping of severe ashtma for diagnosis and targeted therapy“
- German Pulmonary Society
- German Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- German Asthma Net e.V.
- National Lead for Germany as part of the ERS SHARP Initiative (The Severe Heterogeneous Asthma Research collaboration, Patient-centred (European Respiratory Society))
09/2004 | ERS (European Respiratory Society) Young Scientist Sponsorship Award 2004 |
03/2005 | Award oft he German Lung Foundation for the best clinical doctoral thesis in pulmonary medicine |
07/2005 | Procter & Gamble stipend to participate at the Annual Conference of the European Respiratory Society |
10/2013 | Research Award 2013 of the South German Pulmonary Society in Heilbronn |
11/2013 | Dagmar Eißner Award 2013 |
Scientific focus
Pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of severe asthma, allergy and asthma, COPD, asthma and COPD overlap, non-invasive monitoring of airway inflammation, design of clinical studies
Dr. Korn is an author and co-author of numerous publications and has given lots of lectures and presentations at national and international congresses of pulnonary and allergy societies. She advises international pharmaceutical companies and consulting companies.