Priv.-Doz. Dr. med. Stephanie Korn

Prof. Dr. med. Stephanie Korn

Physisican, management economist

Medical studies 
Johannes-Gutenberg-University Mainz, graduated in 2006

Clinical experience

2006-2020  University Hospital Mainz in Mainz/Germany, Pulmonary Dept. (Head: Prof. Roland Buhl), III. Medical Department
since 2020  Clinical Research Centre Respiratory Medicine in Mainz, Germany


2009 Management economist 
2013 Habilitation

Clinical trials

since 2003  Study coordinator in several clinical trials (phase II-IV) 
since 2006 Investigator (principle and coordinating investigator) in several (>50) clinical trials (phase I-IV): asthma, COPD, IPF, bronchiectasis 

Doctoral thesis
„Nasal and bronchial allergen provocation testing in patients with mild asthma and allergic rhinitis – similarities und differences“ („magna cum laude“)

„Cellular and clinical phenotyping of severe ashtma for diagnosis and targeted therapy“

- German Pulmonary Society
- German Society for Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- German Asthma Net e.V.
- National Lead for Germany as part of the ERS SHARP Initiative (The Severe Heterogeneous Asthma Research collaboration, Patient-centred (European Respiratory Society))


09/2004  ERS (European Respiratory Society) Young Scientist Sponsorship Award 2004
03/2005 Award oft he German Lung Foundation for the best clinical doctoral thesis in pulmonary medicine
07/2005 Procter & Gamble stipend to participate at the Annual Conference of the European Respiratory Society
10/2013 Research Award 2013 of the South German Pulmonary Society in Heilbronn
11/2013 Dagmar Eißner Award 2013

Scientific focus
Pathogenesis, diagnosis and therapy of severe asthma, allergy and asthma, COPD, asthma and COPD overlap, non-invasive monitoring of airway inflammation, design of clinical studies

Dr. Korn is an author and co-author of numerous publications and has given lots of lectures and presentations at national and international congresses of pulnonary and allergy societies. She advises international pharmaceutical companies and consulting companies.