Continuing medical education
The Clinical Research Centre Respiratory Medicine Frankfurt & Mainz regularly offer training sessions for medical and non-medical staff working in clinical research.
Our courses cover numerous topics related to pulmonary diseases and allergology and are tailored to the individual learning needs of different audiences.
We not only offer courses on specific diseases and their diagnosis and treatment. We also cover general aspects of respiratory research, the implementation of clinical trails, and ethical challenges that may arise during these trials (GCP).
We also have extensive experience in implementing audit-conform training units for test centres within the framework of multi-centric trials (spirometry, body plethysmography, performance tests etc.).
We are happy to be involved nationally and internationally in the preparation of protocols and have extensive expertise in the areas of allergy, asthma and COPD.
In our regular in-house training sessions, we focus on Good Clinical Practice (GCP), functional diagnosis in pulmonology, health and safety issues, as well as IATA and reanimation courses.
Please feel free to get in touch with us if you are interested in a customised training event to address your individual goals.